The End of an Era

When the Brisbane Polo Club opened 25 years ago, it quickly became the centre for the Ladies and Gentlemen of Brisbane to socialise. The Polo club stepped away from tradition by allowing ladies to join, this antiquated tradition is still upheld by some Brisbane clubs to this day.

BPCOn Monday night, the much-loved, but financially strained club put an offer from the Singapore-based real estate tycoon Koh Wee Meng to its members, This offer was accepted and the club will close its doors on the 30th June 2015. I myself am a relatively new member but in my short allegiance with the club i have made life long friends and business connections that will work together long into the future.

I would say to those people, let us make certain the colt goes out in a canter and is not shot under a blanket.

See you all Friday, first and last drinks are on me

Dedicated to the Staff of BPC, Thank you

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